Sunday, December 16, 2012

I'm so Bored that I did a Q&A

Some of these are pretty old, and some of them I have no recollection of who actually asked them, but they have been asked. So, here goes:

1. Are you getting a prosthetic leg?

No. I thought it would be fun to hop everywhere for the rest of my life. 
It's the planet Earth calling. Can you hear me?
2. Does your knee bend?

Absolutely not. That's too fancy. All those amazing stories you see of people climbing Mt. Everest and doing other cool stuff with prosthetics?
We all use peg legs!
3.  Why does your knee need to bend?

There's actually no good reason. Humans can walk just as well with peg legs. You should try it sometime. 
Aaargh, what blimey use is the human musculature system?
4. Can you get discounts on shoes now?

Of course! I prefer walking without a shoe on my prosthetic foot, because it creates a limping effect. And when I explain this to people, they gladly sell me one shoe for half the price of the pair. 
I also get discounted pants since one of the legs is superfluous.
5. I'm worried that you're not going to be a fast enough walker by the time you go to Spain. Have you considered taking a bike with you?

That's an excellent idea! I don't have enough time to increase my walking speed in the next month, so instead I should buy a bike, get somebody to make me a biking socket for my leg, and then get somebody to teach me how to ride a bike in the next month.
Or maybe Santa can just bring me a hovercraft for Christmas!
6. If you married another amputee, would your children be born with only one leg?

Congratulations! You're definitely going to pass genetics. Although, really, there's only a 1 in 4 chance that would happen, since the amputee gene is recessive. However, if I became a double amputee and married another one, then yes, all our children would also be born without legs. 
And if we dye our hair blue, our children will be born with blue hair!
 Have a question you'd like answered? Send it to me and I will answer it completely truthfully.

Bored Game Time!

Answer: The Slitheen. Move forward two spaces if you are a Whovian.

Question: What is the best movie in theaters right now?

1 comment:

  1. People actually asked those questions? Oh me, the epidemic is worse than I thought.
