Saturday, May 10, 2014

I'm so Bored that I graduated college

Sorry I've been absent from this blog for so long. Yesterday, however, I graduated college (with a B.A. in Spanish). In honor of the end of this part of life's journey, I have compiled a list of the top 5 ways to annoy people now that you've graduated college:
Because it's not a blog post without a "top" something list...
5. Force everyone to congratulate you!

Mention graduation as much as possible. Make it impossible for anyone to not congratulate you without looking like a horrible person.
Preferably, write a blog post about it!
4. Post pictures of your diploma all over the internet.

Your diploma's not official until you've tweeted it, snapchatted it, and instagrammed. Get on it!
Bonus points if you've already framed it.
3. Wear your cap (and tassle) everywhere.

Not everyone could make it to graduation, so continue to wear your cap and anythiing else they let you keep for at least 2 weeks straight. 
Throw your cap in the air and shout hooray every 5 seconds.
2. Start every sentence with "Back when I was in college." 

Stress the past tense when talking about college. And you should talk about college a lot. Give current students advice based on your four years of wisdom and make sure to point out that you're done with all that.
When I was your age, we hiked up a mountain to get to the dining hall.
1. Whine about missing college... A LOT.

Nothing tells everyone you've graduated quite as well as complaining that you've graduated. Talk about nothing but college memories for as long as you can. Bonus points if you break down crying every time anyone tries to congratulate you.
But make sure that you still follow #1 on this list!
Once you've annoyed everyone around you, maybe you can actually mentally deal with graduation yourself. Good luck!

Bored Game Time!

Answer: If you said yes, you're crazy. But thanks for believing in me. Move forward 1 space.
Question: What degree will I be earning next?