Wednesday, July 18, 2012

I'm so Bored that I forgot to put a question in the last post!

So sorry about that guys!

Just pretend this is an extension of the last post - otherwise I'm going to get confused.

This is for all the loyal fans who have has been with me since the beginning:

What flavor cake did I bake when I was Bored? (Hint: I drew a smiley face on it!)

Here is a picture of a cake!

Full Image
Oh, you thought I was going to give you the answer? OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!

Oh, and by the way, I did not make this cake or anything quite that amazing. It was made by Highland Bakery, and I have to admit that I blatantly stole it from what is quite possibly the best blog ever, Cake Wrecks. Go read her blog (but don't abandon me once you find out she's better - PLLEEAASSEE!)!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

I'm so Bored that I just replaced Giorgio when he died

Over Thanksgiving break this past school year, I was carrying Giorgio across the wet bricks on High Land. I slipped, and we both crashed to the ground. Giorgio fell out of my arms and landed on the wet ground.
If this was your answer to yesterday's question, just quit the game now.
I didn't notice it then, but when I went to update this blog later, I realized that the plastic casing around his power button was broken.
If you knew Giorgio was a laptop, go forward 1 space. If you knew how his power button broke, go forward 2 spaces!
I kept planning on calling Dell and having them come fix his power button, but they said I would need to send him in for two weeks of work, so I never could find the time.
Remember this?
The casing around his power button continued to gradually crack throughout the rest of the school year, until the button was finally hanging from wires without any casing at all. 
Yes, I realize that looks more like a badly drawn rainbow than like electrical wires...
To turn Giorgio on, I had to pinch his button in just the right way. 

It took a lot of manual effort to power up Giorgio.

I started to feel like I was having to do way too much work just to turn him on.

Sorry, if you'd ever hung out with some of my friends, you'd understand.
You know who you are
Anyway, I finally secured the power button with some scotch tape, and that worked fine until one day a few weeks ago, when he just ... died.
Yes, this is what he looked like ... Stop judging my drawings!
I was devastated, but I was sure that Dell would just take him away, revive and fix him, then send him back to me alive and well.
And we would frolic through flowery meadows together once more.
Instead, they informed me that they no longer made parts for my machine.
I'm sorry. You're two years old. You and your blankie are now obsolete.
Since my warranty guarantees that they have to maintain my computer in good health for all four years of college, even if I were to take it cliff diving, Dell offered me a replacement computer instead.
The Dell XPS 15Z, or as I call him, Gummi Pulpo
I asked for specs (or my sister did, because I'm not good at all this computer haggling business), and they responded with a long list of why this computer was absolutely awesome - a terabyte hard-drive, a 64-bit processor, more memory than Giorgio ever had. 

The computer on which I'm currently writing this blog post has a 15-inch screen, 1 inch larger than Giorgio's, but it is much lighter than Giorgio ever was, and its design is so much more intelligent - no power button on the side, for starters.

I told Dell it would suffice.
I am in mourning after all.* 

While Giorgio is replaceable, children suffering from childhood cancer are not. Find out how you can help save lives by visiting Repost this message in memory of all victims of cancer.

Monday, July 16, 2012

I'm so Bored that I created a board game

To my siblings, this is not what you think it is.

To everyone else, I have a brand new game for those of you trapped living in Boredom with me!

I call it The Bored Game, but you are free to call it anything you like, as long as you don't sell it without giving me most of the money and all of the credit.

To start playing, simply pick any picture from my blog, print it out to use as your game-piece, then place it on the start square of this board:

It has 84 squares, including the start and end, by the way
From now on, each of my blog posts will have at least one quiz question in it. I will give the answer to that question in the subsequent post, along with instructions on how to move depending on how you answered.

The first person to reach the finish line (honor code - no cheating!) and tell me how they got there (a full detailed report) will receive a dozen homemade cookies (of whatever flavor you prefer). Yes, even if you live far away! :)

So, for starters, here's a question that will be answered in my next blog post:

Who was Giorgio, and how did he die?

Have fun!

Monday, July 9, 2012

I'm so Bored that I turned into a robot

Pirate, ghost, hobo - I know I'm writing an awful lot of blog posts about metamorphosis.
I'm going to be a beautiful butterfly!
According to my 3-year-old cousin Gurgi, though, I have actually turned into a robot.
"Katie, why you getting a robot leg?"
The above quote is an actual question asked by my cousin, whose name is obviously not really Gurgi.

Gurgi and the rest of his family came to visit me in the hospital one day soon after my amputation. The rest of the family came in giving me hugs, excited to see me, though perhaps maybe not so excited that I was trying to become a pirate. 

Gurgi entered the room slowly and shyly, though, sadly asking, "Katie, why you getting a robot leg?"
Better question: Why I not getting a robot leg?
I didn't have a suitable answer, so he kept asking that question, paired occasionally with, "Why are they gonna cut off your leg?"
Surprise! They already did!
He was eventually calmed enough to sit on my bed, and I even convinced him to give me a hug. I had to bribe him a lot, though.
Luckily, someone had brought me 5 million jelly beans as a get-well present.
I gave him my stuffed Animal to play with, and he was content for a while.
Mine looks a lot better. I got him at Putt-Putt about 10 years ago, when I figured out how to win the jackpot machine every time...completely unrelated story.
So then, I handed him the stuffed ram which my Pastor had brought me (my grade school mascot was a ram).
This is not the actual stuffed animal, and the horns on this one are way too big, but you get the basic idea, right?
Gurgi took one look at this animal, grabbed it out of my hand, and squealed, 
Oooooh! A bunny rabbit!!
He hugged me goodbye that day, and so I thought the robot issue had been resolved.

Flash forward nearly a week, to the evening of the 4th of July. Gurgi was sitting in my lap at a fireworks display.
"That one looks like Batman!"
We had a wonderful time, and when we got in our cars to leave at the end of the night, I asked Gurgi for a hug. His response?
"I don't want to hug a robot!"

Oh, well. I had always thought robots were cool...

Friday, July 6, 2012

I'm so Bored that I stole my brother's bedroom

Technically, I stole a bedroom which should house two of my brothers, but little brother #1 (hereafter referred to as Thing 1) had already stolen the Oompaloompalounge (the guest room at our house).

No, not this type of lounge

Anyway, don't panic or be alarmed! I have given Thing 2 my own room, which while not nearly as spacious as his room, still provides the necessary amenities, including an amply-sized closet, large enough for his entire wardrobe in addition to his collection of childhood mementos. 
This is not my closet. I just needed a picture here.
Also, if we are being completely truthful, I did not steal the room. He graciously offered it to me, after having assisted my sister, Jump On It Fan-girl, in the removal of our belongings from their original locations and the replacement of these objects into the opposite room than the one from which they were removed.

So, for a while, the rooms looked like this, then they looked like each other...
Sorry for the weird talk. I was really Bored. Actually, what happened was that while I was in the hospital, my family realized that it would be unfeasible difficult for me to return to my usual abode bedroom, since it is in such an inconvenient location because it's upstairs, so my siblings switched my brother's room with mine.


Just kidding, it didn't smell that horrible.

So now, I am (temporarily) living downstairs, while my youngest brother is living in my upstairs bedroom. I have all his sports trophies, and he has all my ... I have no idea, actually, because I haven't been upstairs since 

The zombie virus infected my leg, forcing me to perform an emergency amputation on myself.
This blog post probably makes little or no sense to anyone outside of my immediate family, and so it's probably not even funny, so mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.

Good night, and may the odds be ever in your favor. 

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

I'm so Bored that I became an amateur dress critic

Warning: This post is overly girly. Gentlemen, avert thine eyes! (Not really)

In case any of y'all hadn't noticed, lately I've had a lot more time to just sit around (and yet a lot less time when I could think coherently).

So, I have been browsing through Mod Cloth pretty frequently (as in, it's always open on my computer)

Other parents yell at their kids for indecent websites...
Just kidding with that caption, my mom doesn't yell at me for being on Mod Cloth. I do love their dresses, though.
Seriously, I'm thinking of eloping with this dress...
However, no dress store is perfect. 
Ooh, I can play tic-tac-toe on my dress, or maybe even solve a calculus problem!
Of course, I do understand that some people do need to be wearing their graph paper in order to remember to bring it to class, but you've crossed a line when you can't even remember to wear clothes:
An Evening in Atlantis Dress
You stuck a shoulder strap on your towel - congratulations!
Now, I understand this dress:
Grenadine of Students Dress
It's just trying to show a little cleavage...
But I'm not sure whether this dress is a fail at cutting fabric or a fail at being slutty
My Cherie Amaranth Dress
Seriously, what is with that hole? 
That's all the dresses I'll critique (for now, at least.) Really, I love Mod Cloth. I mean, look at this dress:
This is a one-shouldered dress
I seriously want the design of that dress, perhaps in a different color and definitely with different fabric, for my bridesmaids whenever I get married. 

Yes, I want beautiful dresses for my bridesmaids

Because I would never wish this upon any of my friends.
I have to go eat dinner. Enjoy browsing Mod Cloth on your own. 


Sunday, July 1, 2012

I'm so Bored that I became a hobo

I know I already became a pirate and a ghost in the previous two blog posts. 
But my identity sailed away from me, so I'm having a bit of a crisis.
Anyway, this evening, Mom and I went to Mass. We tried to go to Mass at the church near our house at 5:30, but they don't have the "youth" Mass over the summer.
Because we only need Jesus 9 months of the year!
So, we went to a different church. There's not really a story there.

After Mass, we went to Target...

Practice! Just kidding, we went to the store, 
At the checkout line, Mom put the stuff we were buying on the conveyor belt, with some of those stuff in one of the handheld baskets. The hamburger buns and Hershey chocolate bars happened to be behind the basket.

The cashier looked at me, then asked, "Are these yours?"

I said yes, assuming that she knew I was with my Mom.

She did not know that, and she tried to ring up those two items just for me. 

Apparently, I now look like a one-legged hobo in a wheelchair.

You know, the kind that eats chocolate hamburger bun sandwiches...
Sorry,  I couldn't draw the sandwich, Prize for the best drawing! :)