Technically, I stole a bedroom which should house two of my brothers, but little brother #1 (hereafter referred to as Thing 1) had already stolen the Oompaloompalounge (the guest room at our house).
No, not this type of lounge |
Anyway, don't panic or be alarmed! I have given Thing 2 my own room, which while not nearly as spacious as his room, still provides the necessary amenities, including an amply-sized closet, large enough for his entire wardrobe in addition to his collection of childhood mementos.
This is not my closet. I just needed a picture here. |
Also, if we are being completely truthful, I did not steal the room. He graciously offered it to me, after having assisted my sister, Jump On It Fan-girl, in the removal of our belongings from their original locations and the replacement of these objects into the opposite room than the one from which they were removed.
So, for a while, the rooms looked like this, then they looked like each other... |
Sorry for the weird talk. I was really Bored. Actually, what happened was that while I was in the hospital, my family realized that it would be
unfeasible difficult for me to return to my
usual abode bedroom,
since it is in such an inconvenient location because it's upstairs, so my siblings switched my brother's room with mine.
Just kidding, it didn't smell that horrible.
So now, I am (temporarily) living downstairs, while my youngest brother is living in my upstairs bedroom. I have all his sports trophies, and he has all my ... I have no idea, actually, because I haven't been upstairs since
The zombie virus infected my leg, forcing me to perform an emergency amputation on myself. |
This blog post probably makes little or no sense to anyone outside of my immediate family, and so it's probably not even funny, so mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.
Good night, and may the odds be ever in your favor.
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