Sunday, November 25, 2012

I'm so Bored that I made fun of a Rogaine ad

This ad keeps popping up on Hulu, and I can't stand it anymore. I have to complain.

So, I'm just going to go through it point by point:

1. Skeptical

Why are key words from each of his sentences displayed next to him? Do they really think people can't understand that he was skeptical unless the word "skeptical" is floating next to him? I know, I know, it's a marketing technique, but I'm never impressed by someone who assumes I am an idiot.

2. Girlfriend noticed

What kind of claim is this? Even his girlfriend noticed? Are girlfriends supposed to be notoriously oblivious? Did everyone else notice he was growing hair, but his girlfriend didn't? I'd be way more impressed if it said "The hobo I pass on the way to work noticed."

3. 85% 

So, there's a 15% chance that it won't work? Awesome!

4. Nearly 9 out of 10 guys

Does that mean it was actually 8 out of 10 guys?

5. Starting to see more hair

Note that he doesn't say that he sees more hair on his own head. He could just be checking out more girls, since obviously his girlfriend wouldn't notice if he did.

6. Up to 42%

So, you could be saving anywhere between 0 and 42%? Awesome again!

7. Where are the before photos?

He's claiming he regrew hair, but I don't see any photos of him without it, just saying.

Ok, enough griping. Back to watching Desperate Housewives studying for exams.

Bored Game Time!

Answer: Silence will fall. If you didn't know, move back one space. If you asked somebody for the answer, move back 3 spaces for helping Silence to fall. 

Question: What is the fear of big words called? 

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