Monday, November 19, 2012

I'm so Bored that I played a bunch of pranks, part 2

In case any of you noticed the random prayer that was on this blog all day today, I posted that on the wrong blog. Sorry, y'all!

Anyway, on with the pranks. An essential part of any prankster's repertoire is:

Silly Stringing Everything and Everyone

Yes, I still own some silly string somewhere.
And I wish I had an acceptable reason to use it and still appear mature...
When I was younger, though, this stuff went with me everywhere, especially to camp, where it eventually got banned. 

Which had absolutely nothing to do with me.
Some of my silly string pranks were relatively minor. 
Although some people may not have thought so.
I silly stringed a Child Life Specialist's office once. 
In my defense, I didn't know it would ruin paper
I also was fond of silly stringing random passerby at camp, but I can't find the pictures.

My most memorable silly string prank, however, involved the same Child Life Specialist (Curly, for brevity's sake) mentioned above, I believe 8 cans of silly string, and a few of my friends.

The Silly String Sneak Attack

On the last full day of camp, when we were supposed to be packing, we still hadn't used any of our silly string, and we really wanted to attack Curly, so together with our counselor, we hatched an ingenious plan. 

Step 1. We each took a couple cans of silly string, and then we hid in the closets in our room. 
Step 2. Our counselor walked down the hallway to Curly's room. She told Curly that we wouldn't clean our room and asked for her help in convincing us to clean and pack. 
I don't think it was a complete lie
Step 3. Our counselor and Curly returned to our room, where we were nowhere to be found. Curly asked "Where are they?" Our counselor repeated the question, and this was our cue.
Ready or not, here we come!
Step 4. We jumped out of the closets and attacked Curly with every ounce of silly string in our possession. Our lovely counselor pulled a camera out of her pocket and started snapping pictures
Which I don't have, unfortunately.
Step 5. We hid from Curly for the rest of the day and night, because we were convinced she was coming for revenge. 

Bored Game Time

Answer: Goldfinger. Move forward 2 spaces if you knew that, because I didn't. (I Googled the quote.)

Question: No riddle today. If you were part of the silly string sneak attack, and you're reading this, go ahead and move forward one more space. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing information on I'm So Bored That..., i have visited your blog great post...............

