Hi, blogosphere!
So, you may have noticed that I have been absent from this blog for a long time.
or maybe you didn't, whatever |
Basically, though, I've been super super busy.
And I have a job now! |
This summer, I got home from Spain on June 14, and for the next two months, I lived out of my suitcase.
This picture has nothing to do with this story. I just miss Spain. |
My last exam was June 13. On June 14, I got up really early to catch my flight back towards the States (I went through Madrid on my way back).
In the Palma airport, they told me that my carry-on luggage was too heavy and tried to make me pay 200 euros to check it.
Luckily, though, I convinced them to let me carry it on for free by telling them that it contained vital prosthetic supplies that would not fit in my backpack.
Allen wrenches are so bulky... |
Anyway, after a long adventure, I made it back home to my family.
Of course, after such a long journey, I went straight back to my house and unpacked all my stuff and packed a bunch of it back into a small suitcase, then slept for three hours before heading off to summer camp.
A time machine such as this one would have very useful |
After a week of camp, during which I was constantly surprised that everyone estaba hablando ingles en vez de castellano, I went back home to catch up on some sleep.
I really didn't think I was ever going to be able to reuse this picture. Sweet! |
It wasn't long, though, until I headed back on the road. This time, I headed to my college town to get a new leg.
Ooh, schnazzy! |
Almost as soon as I'd made it back home, though, I headed back out the door to my second camp of the summer.
More Walmart runs! |
After a week at camp, I had one more week at home before the biggest adventure of the summer, family vacation.
Six Flags Over Georgia, Myrtle Beach, Birmingham, then home again |
We went to Six Flags, where I rode on my first roller coaster, even though most of their rides have rules that say you have to have "2 naturally formed, fully-functioned lower limbs."
Climbed Everest, not allowed on roller coasters |
We spent a week on vacation, then I was back home for another week before heading back to college for my senior year.
Whoever put this picture here is so rude. I'm smart, for realz |
Bored Game Time!
Answer: Montar un pollo (do you even remember the question at this point?)
Question: What two minors did I declare last week?
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