Sunday, September 22, 2013

I'm so Bored that I (never) talked to boys

In case you don't know me, I'm really bad at talking to boys. I mean, most of my friends are boys, and I can talk to them, until I realize they're a boy, and then, communication goes right out the window.

So, after 21 years of life, I still have no idea what to say to boys, but I at least have a pretty good idea of what you should never, under any circumstances, say to a boy.

7 Deadly Phrases (Guaranteed to kill relationships or any chance of them):

1. You're a boy. I'm a girl. Let's go out.

Apparently, this is completely unromantic. It also makes you seem completely desperate.
but if the shoe fits...
 2. Dating you would be really convenient.

I mean, honestly, we've all had that thought cross our mind at some point that maybe we should just get together with that friend who's always there for us. Sure, there's no romantic attraction, but we have fun. And this whole dating thing is stressful.

"Hey, we're friends. Let's just get married for the heck of it."
3. If we dated, it would help get my mind off of that guy. 

Because what guy doesn't want to be a rebound?

Why does this picture even exist?!
4. I already dated or ruled out everyone else, and you're really my only option.

AKA, "I would gladly be with you if we were the only two survivors of the apocalypse."

Marry me so we can repopulate the Earth.
5. I'm sick of school and would rather just marry you than have to think about my future.

 "Now I'm not saying she's a gold-digger..."
...but she is
 6. I just really want babies. 

I don't think I need to explain why this is a bad idea.
but you're sounding a bit like Rumpelstiltskin...
7. I want an excuse to change my relationship status on Facebook.

Because we all know it's not true love until it's Facebook official.

And then we can have a cute couple name and basically become one person!
Bored Game Time!

Answer: The goat version of Trouble, obviously. Move forward 2 spaces if you knew this. Move back 1 space if you tried sucking up to me by saying "Green." 

Question: What's the worst thing you've ever said to a girl or boy? Discuss below and best answer gets a prize (and gets to move forward 5 spaces). 

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