Saturday, February 23, 2013

I'm so Bored that I kissed a lot of people

The fact that you actually clicked on that link kind of disturbs me, but yes, perverts, it's true.

In the past week, I've kissed more people than I can count.

You horrible person. Stop reading my blog.
On the cheek.

Because it's part of the culture.
Seriously, what is wrong with you?
Anyway, I'd been hanging out mostly with my Vandy friends and with my host mom and her family and friends for the first few weeks.
I'm quickly realizing that my social skills have not actually improved since 7th grade
Older adults in Spain only kiss each other if they're family or haven't seen each other in a while, and we all know Vandy students aren't really into PDA
Moving on

This past week, though, I started hanging out with a bunch of other students from all over the world (including a few who are actually from Spain!), and among the college-aged crowd, kissing is used as a greeting and a goodbye every day.

At first it was a little strange to not have a personal bubble

But now I'm actually getting used to it. 

I mean, what's not to love about kisses? 
Bored Game Time!

Answer: Ascensor. If you knew that take the elevator up/down one level of the game board (whatever moves you forward instead of backwards)

Question: What is the quickest way to make a sitcom annoying?

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