Wednesday, September 26, 2012

I'm so Bored that I spilled coke in my foot

I know, this sounds weird, but trust me, it's actually extremely weird.

The other day, I decided to be awesome at physical therapy and wear my prosthetic leg all day.
Le me doing a funky dance because I'm wearing my leg. 
Given my luck, the outcome was pretty much inevitable.

The swelling in my residual limb decided to go down during the day, which was awesome ... except that it made my leg too loose, and I didn't have any extra socks with me in my backpack. 

Plus, adding more socks during class was going to be a bit difficult to explain to my professors (without using English*)
Seeing as I am absolutely brilliant, I decided to just leave my leg on my scooter during my classes but wear it when I was scootering around. 

No, it doesn't fit. Yes, I managed to use this picture again. 
Everything was fine, until I got to the checkout counter in the dining hall. I couldn't find my ID card to pay, so I set my tray on the counter so I could look in my purse.

And this entire cup of Coca-Cola spilled all over my lap.
The Coke ended up all over my lap and my leg, inside my leg, and of course, inside my foot. 

I never before in my life thought I would have to try to get a fountain beverage out of my foot. Out of my shoe, maybe, but never out of my foot itself.

I obviously do not claim to own either of the photos in this compilation, and I am not implying that anyone would purposely pour coke in a fake foot (except possibly me...)
Bored game time!

I know you've all been waiting for it, kind of like you wait for the dentist...

Answer: My cat is named Shadow. But since I'm not home, Sad is also an acceptable answer. You may move forward one space if you know me and knew that. If you knew that but don't know me, go back one space for being a stalker. 

Question: What is my major? If you need a hint, look for the asterisk above.  


  1. You're majoring in another language? (If I wasn't supposed to post my guess here, just let me know I guess, I'll delete it if you can't) :)

    1. You can feel free to guess here, but there's a prize for the person who completes the Bored game first, so if you post the answer here, you're just helping everybody else.

      Also, I will tell you the answer in the next blog post, as always :)
