Thursday, September 13, 2012

I'm so Bored that I broke my leg

So, for anyone who either knows me or has been following this blog, you're probably thinking, "Didn't we already cover this? I mean, you got it amputated, right?"

You thought I would never find another way to use this picture, didn't you?
And you're right. The prosthesis in my leg breaking is old news. However, I am actually so talented that I managed to break my new leg!

The foot should be facing towards the camera...
There's really no fancy story behind this at all. I just tried to move my leg and ended up twisting it around. Now it won't twist back.

Anyway, that's just a short update on life. Now, on to the Bored game!

Answer: You may only go forward one space if you did NOT say "African or European?" If you did say that, go back to Start.

Question: What is my cat's name?

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