Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I'm so Bored that I sang about the rain

Hello, lovelies!

I am back in school after a week at home (I'm not originally from Boredom), so I haven't had any true adventures in Boredom in a while.

The last few days, though, it has been raining A LOT. So, my family and I started naming off songs that have the word "rain" in them.

I've been informed that Rudolph the Red-Nosed Raindeer does not count...

Anyway, here's a list of songs about rain. Enjoy the Youtube videos and feel free to add your own to the list. I might not be back to the blogosphere until after exams (my last exam is organic chemistry on Dec. 17...eek!)

Songs about Rain (or with the word rain anywhere in the song):

1. Songs about Rain - Gary Allen

My mom and sister claimed I was making this song up, but it's REAL!


2. When It Rains - Eli Young Band

"Start out depressed - everything comes as a pleasant surprise." New life motto :P

3. My Favorite Things - Julie Andrews

By the way, if you have never seen The Sound of Music, WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH YOUR LIFE?

I could have embedded a different video, but I wanted to share the actual scene from the movie.

4. The Ants Go Marching - I have no idea who sang this first...

These ants SCARE me! Also, I apologize if this is a bad rendition of the song - I don't have the sound on...

5. Singin' in the Rain - Gene Kelly

Fun trivia - suits shrink in the rain...

6. If All the Raindrops

I just embedded a Barney video on my blog...I have officially lost my mind.

7. Kentucky Rain - Elvis Presley

Of course, no list of songs would be complete without some mention of the King.

8. Rainy Night in Georgia - Brook Benton

I actually have never heard this song, but it's mentioned in Songs About Rain.

9. Here Comes That Rainy Day Feeling Again - The Fortunes

This is also mentioned by Gary Allen.

10. Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head - BJ Thomas?

I like that he fusses at the sun...

11. It's Raining Men - Weather Girls

Or, as one of my besties and I say, "It's green and red"

Long story...

12. Somewhere Over the Rainbow

13. Brown Eyed Girl - Van Morrison

14. Don't Rain on My Parade

15. It's Raining, It's Pouring

16. Rain, Rain, Go Away

17. Have You Ever Seen the Rain? - Creedence Clearwater

18. Here Comes the Rain - Mavericks

19. I Can See Clearly Now - Bob Marley

20. The Itsy Bitsy Spider

21. Lightning Strikes - Lou Christy

22. Walking in Memphis

We had a lot more, but I really should go study for exams. Comment with more songs! :)

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