Friday, April 19, 2013

I'm so Bored that I ran away

This weekend, I ran away by myself to Barcelona, Zaragoza, and Belchite.

I'll be posting more about those places on my travel blog later, but for now, I'd like to focus on the joys of traveling alone.

You see, there are a lot of great things about traveling by yourself, and here are a few of them:

1. Meeting strangers

This is what came up when I googled "stranger"

If you're traveling with  a group, you talk to your group. If you travel by yourself, you talk to random people you meet.

I met some Argentinians who gave me a ride to the bus stop in Belchite, I had a great conversation with a taxi driver in Zaragoza, and I met a German girl in one of my hostels.

Meeting strangers in Spain also means kissing people, so that's fun.

2. Going to random places where no one else wants to go
Like here
One of the reasons I traveled by myself is that I really wanted to visit Belchite, the site of a civil war battle, and no one else wanted to visit. Traveling by myself allowed me to take lots of buses and go to Zaragoza and Belchite without having to argue with anyone about the itinerary.

3. Pretending you're Spanish and not having anyone correct you
Google images is making my day right now
This happened more when I was wandering around Rome by myself, but sometimes when I'm by myself, people ask where I'm from, and I just claim I'm from Palma.

The Italians actually believed me.

4. Finding out how helpful people can be
These things are hard to reach
When I'm in a group, my friends help me if I can't do something, such as stowing my luggage overhead in an airplane.

By myself, though, I get to struggle for a minute before strangers jump in to help me, which leads me back to reason #1 to travel alone: meeting strangers.
5. Eating whatever you want without being judged for it
Nachos for dinner?
If I'm with other people, I have to eat regular, balanced meals full of normal food.

By myself, though, I can randomly decide to go to the top of a mountain and then eat nachos I bought from a street vendor for dinner, and no one says, "No, let's go get real food!"

Bored Game Time!

 Answer: The Lady of the Vatican. Move forward 3 spaces if you knew that - you're so smart!

Question: What mountain in Barcelona has an amusement park at the top of it?


  1. Hi! My name is Luisa and I'm one of your Spanish classmates. Today I was in Prosa del Siglo de Oro's class and I have seen that you have this blog. I really have fun. And the answer to your question is: Tibidabo. Sorry for my English, I think it's not so well.

  2. Hi, Luisa! Your English is great. I was hoping that no one would notice that I was blogging in class instead of taking notes :P Thanks for reading my blog. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

    And yes, that's the correct answer. The Bored Game part of the post is referring to this, by the way:

    1. I've only read the last "posts". When I have more time, I would like to read all your Bored Blog. I would like to say you that if you have any (or some?) problem with the entertaining subject of Spanish I could help you.

      See you tomorrow,

