Sunday, March 3, 2013

I'm so Bored that I started reading Don Quijote

Ok, actually I'm reading it for class, but whatever. The point is that this is accurate:
Ice cream is really important to me, okay?
The list of things I would rather be doing than reading this book is rather long and includes actually walking up and down stairs (and y'all know how much I hate that).

Part of the problem with the book is that it's written in rather archaic Spanish, and I just barely understand modern Spanish, so another pie chart is warranted.
This is actually drawn to scale
Of course, spending so much time thinking about Don Quijote really makes me miss my childhood.
And this version's in English!

Bored Game Time!

Answer: I'm guessing no, but if I'm wrong, you may move forward 6 spaces. 

Question: What is the Spanish word for windmills?

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