Thursday, May 24, 2012

I'm so Bored that I decided to become a pirate

In case any of you don't know me (STRANGERS! RUUUUUN!!!), I had cancer when I was 9.

For all of you imagining that I looked like this:

I have leukemia! That's the only type of childhood cancer, right?*

I usually actually looked more like this:

I wore a Gryffindor bucket hat every single day - not even kidding

And I still got called a boy.

"Did the little boy fall off his bike?"

Also, completely as a side note, contrary to popular belief television

Because chemotherapy apparently magically attacks only the top of your head...let's hope you have brain cancer!

You do not usually get to keep your eyebrows and eyelashes during chemo, which you only really notice once they start growing back in.

Help! My face is being attacked by squirrels and caterpillars!

Anyway, because my cancer was in my right leg, I ended up having 10 surgeries on that leg when I was younger.

Because I broke my prosthesis (and never really figured out how to use my leg post-surgery anyway...) I just decided last week that I'm going to amputate my leg this summer.

I'm thinking that maybe I should have rephrased that last sentence...

Everybody seems to have a different idea of what this means for my life after surgery.

What I look like now:

Those are crutches, for anyone who can't decipher my pictures...

What I'll probably look like right after surgery:

The tie-dye is a hallucination...Narcotics** are FUN!

What my mom thinks I'll look like right after surgery:

She's pretty smart, that mom of mine

What my friends think I'll look like right after surgery:

Um...I'm getting a prosthetic leg, y'all...***

What Awesome Guy says I'll look like after surgery:

Meta-meme-joke ... Sorry, I couldn't resist!

What my prosthetist admits (relunctantly) is possible:

"I just climbed Everest. What now, B****es?"

How I'm planning on dressing to go through airport security for the rest of my life:

Um, but as a girl (and with my right hand still intact) - I couldn't find a picture (same goes for the previous photo)
Being a pirate has several advantages:

1. I will finally have the perfect excuse to get a parrot!

2. Wooden peg legs will not set off the metal detector.

3. I can stick my C-leg in my carry-on luggage. When security looks startled, I can say: "Aaaargh! That's me first matey's leg. He burnt the toast this morning!" or "Well, shiver me timbers! Ye found me leg!"

And, lastly:

4. I can freak out the other passengers, especially when I take my peg-leg off mid-flight...

Avast, mateys! I'm off to feed my parrot.

*Note: I have nothing against leukemia patients. I have tons of friends who are survivors of that dreadful disease. I'm simply tired of people asking me about it, or saying things like "At least you didn't have leukemia!" If you are somebody that would ever say something like that, please go google "osteosarcoma" and then get back to me. 

**Only legally prescribed and properly used prescription narcotics are allowed to be fun

***Believe it or not, I have had people ask whether I'm getting a prosthetic leg...

****This was not meant to refer to a footnote, genius!


  1. Katie this is Aunt Sharon in Florida. I just want to remind you that you have come through this better than most people. You have
    sticktoitiveness AND you WILL get through
    this with Gods help and with the love and support of your FANTASTIC family!! You are so bright and have so much going for you! Don't let something like this stop you from achieving your dreams and embracing a very promising future. Keep the faith and when you feel down remember that God is with you and can be seen through the love you ALWAYS receive from your Mom and Dad.
    Love you,
    Aunt Sharon & Uncle John


    Check out my blog Katie. Its card making.

    Aunt Sharon
