Friday, May 13, 2011

I'm so Bored that I started a blog

Hello, everyone!  Welcome to my humble little blog.  As you can see, it's brand new.  Now, don't go expecting anything too fancy.  I'm not blogging because I have something genius to say, or because I'm trying to inspire the masses, or anything like that.  I'm simply Bored.  My brother suggested to me that I try to keep track of all the outrageous things I do when I'm Bored, so I said "Hey, why don't I start a blog?"  So, here I am.  I am going to simply document on this blog all the ridiculous stuff I do for no other real reason except for sheer and utter boredom.  Sometimes, I am a college student, but over the summer, I'm just Bored.  So, I do some pretty crazy stuff all year round when I'm Bored.  For starters, today I'm so Bored that I started a blog.  If you have any ideas for the blog, or of things to do when I'm Bored, or even stories of things YOU'VE done when you were Bored (it seems to be an extremely common name...), please send me a message.  I'd love to hear from you.  Until then, I hope that my boredom eases yours just a little :)


  1. Hmm... I'm so bored, I decided to read your blog. ;)

  2. Well, thank you for reading it. I hope you are enjoying your stay in Boredom.
