Friday, May 13, 2011

I'm so Bored that I baked a cake

As a special treat, since today is the beginning of this blog (although not the beginning of Boredom - I've lived there for quite a while now), and since I am especially Bored, I am posting a second blog post today.  Really, though, to be honest, this post should have been posted yesterday.  So, yesterday, I was so bored that I baked a cake.  They say that necessity is the mother of invention.  That may be so, but boredom is the mother of really tasty things.  I was hanging out around my house yesterday, watching TV, listening to music, watching the aliens abduct the neighbor's dog...ya know, the usual, when my mom called and asked me to make something for my little brother's school party.  So, I went downstairs and made some brownies.  Of course, I was Bored, and I couldn't eat the brownies, and I had nothing better to do, so I decided to just keep cooking.  So, over the next few hours, I made one fried egg, one bowl of chicken salad, and 6 deviled eggs.  I then made a snickerdoodle cake, because I was just too Bored and was craving sugar.  I got the recipe out of an AWESOME cookbook called the Cake Mix Doctor.  After I had made the cake and iced it, I was still Bored, so I drew a smiley face on it with green icing.  Needless to say, after all this, the kitchen was a mess and we're out of eggs and powdered sugar, but at least I got to make a cake and eat it too :) I will try to post pictures of the cake later, if I can snag a photo opp before it's completely devoured.  We've decided the smiley cake is a saintly cake, because no matter how many times you cut it, it just keeps smiling.  It's forgiven us 7 times already, and it might even forgive us 7 times 77 times, if there's any of it left to forgive us.  This is not a very wild story, I know, but I'm trying to stick to recent events.  What's the most outrageous thing you've ever done because you were Bored? Leave a comment!

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