Wednesday, October 2, 2013

I'm so Bored that I made another list of reasons to chop off your leg, Pt. 2

¡Hola! If you haven't read the first part, go here!
This picture really is the best thing I've ever drawn
Con #4: Falling down a lot

When you're learning how to walk with a prosthetic, you're going to fall down a lot. Actually, even after you've pretty much mastered prosthetics, you'll still probably fall down at least some.
I know I use this picture too much
But why worry about twisted ankles, pulled muscles, or bleeding knees?

Pro #4: Learn what it feels like to be a ghost!

You remember this post?  (WHATEVER YOU DO, DO NOT CLICK ON THAT LINK).  With a phantom limb and the lovely sense of proprioception, you can feel like the wall (or the bed, or somebody's hand, or the cat) is in the same place as your leg, transforming you into a ghost!
Without dying!
 Con #5: Small children and dogs might be afraid of you

Dogs look at me suspiciously. One of my cousins cries every time he sees my leg. Another one of them refused to hug "a robot."
Poor Gurgi...


Pro #5: Kids might think you're some kind of awesome, part-robot thing!

My cousin Gurgi eventually came around and decided that my robot leg is the coolest thing ever. He even asked if he could wear my foot as a shoe.
Technically, the answer is yes, but don't tell him that!
Con #6: People will stare at you and ask you stupid questions

"Do you wear it to bed?" "YOU CAN TAKE IT OFF?!" "Why does your knee bend?" "Why doesn't your knee bend?" "Did it hurt?" "Can I touch it?" "Do you have a phantom limb?"
Just dance away slowly...
Pro #6: You get to make lists like this!

Seriously, like 2 people read my blog before I chopped off my leg. But now there are like 10 of you following me!
Instant internet fame!
Yes, I'm aware I used that picture twice in one post. What is your point, exactly?

Bored Game Time!

Answer: Nobody answered, so everybody moves back 1 space everybody gets to dance forward 2 spaces for funsies.

Question: How long does it take to get a bandaid from the Student Health Center?

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