I found this post in my drafts folder. It's super old, but I'm so Bored that I decided to publish it. Enjoy! Oh, and I'm too lazy to find pictures for it, so you just get a stock photo of a bathroom. Sorry!
5. Communal bathrooms
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How did they get it clean enough to take this photo? |
4. Frat parties
The first semester of college, frats seem cool. They have all the alcohol. They have hot guys. They throw large parties. It's every high school outcast's dream. And a lot of people at my school were not very popular in high school. But once you actually experience a frat party, you discover that it's loud and obnoxious and full of drunk people shoving everyone around them and slurring their words. You don't look cool; you just look stupid. And heaven knows what that is all over the floor. |
Mostly, though, I won't miss being woken up at all hours of the night by parties next door, which leads me to:
3. Dorms
This whole year, I've compared my dorm to a prison. We live in small little cells with windows we can't open and a single square of light in the ceiling. Oh, and RA's and other staff have keys and can open your room without knocking anytime they want. We pay more than most apartments cost to live in a crowded building with lots of rules. And to the people who set off door alarms in the middle of the night, I'm going to not miss you especially.
2. Constant Construction
Everything's getting updated, all the time. They talk about five and ten year plans, but I don't think they're real. As soon as they finish renovating a space, they start planning on how to renovate it again. And constant construction means sidewalks and parking lots are closed. It also means you learn to fall asleep to the sounds of giant drills. Can't we just say, "Wow! The university looks great. I think we can leave it like this for a few months!"? And while they're busy putting fancy, meaningless renovations to every space on campus, they haven't bothered to improve the elevators or handicap entrances.
1. Nothing
Yup, that's right. I was wrong. I can't think of a fifth thing I won't miss. For all its faults, I love college. This place is my home. It's where I learned who I was and met most of my friends. So if you can't find me in the crowd come graduation day, I'll be hiding in my dorm room closet, hoping that they'll just let me stay here forever.